Trustee running the London Marathon!

On Sunday April 21st, one of our trustees will be running in the London Marathon to raise funds for the Stroke Association. Anyone driving around South Petherton and Kingsbury Episcopi will no doubt see this vision of athleticism on her training run – spare a wave and a smile!

In Somerset, inpatient acute stroke services are based at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton and Yeovil Hospital and either Williton or South Petherton Community Hospitals for inpatient services at a community stroke rehabilitation unit.

South Petherton’s Mary Robertson Ward is a place that has cared for hundreds of people who have experienced a stroke. The facilities are very good and the staff are tremendous. Over the years the League of Friends has used our funds to support many aspects of the Mary Robertson Ward and the community of patients, families and NHS staff it serves.

To find out more about the Somerset Stroke Service read this link:,or%20in%20your%20own%20home.