Our spasticity service has gone mobile!

Jo Moore is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist for Stroke and Acquired Brain Injury and Advanced Spasticity Practitioner. In 2023, Jo sought funding for a portable ultrasound device to enhance the delivery of botulinum toxin injections on the ward at South Petherton Community Hospital and in the community. The League of Friends was pleased to award her the full amount needed to purchase the equipment.

Spasticity, affecting about a third of post-stroke individuals, can lead to various complications. Botulinum toxin injections, a common treatment, require precise muscle localisation, ideally guided by ultrasound to avoid complications. Prior to buying the portable ultrasound, injections were done on the ward without ultrasound or in the hospital’s ultrasound suite after hours, inconveniencing patients and staff. Additionally, due to the lack of a portable device, home visits for injections were undertaken without ultrasound guidance .

We are delighted that the portable ultrasound machine has made a real difference to the lived experience of the hospital team and our patients. Recently, Jo and the equipment were featured in a press release by Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, where it was announced that ‘the initiative has already had a huge impact, making our care accessible to everyone in Somerset!